Why an Expert Migration Partner Ultimately Saves You Money
Web application platform migrations are large and often daunting undertakings. Especially when new feature developments, budgets, and revenue-driving business priorities have you pulled in many, and sometimes conflicting, directions.
When evaluating a migration strategy, one of the first questions is whether to use internal resources or partner with a migration expert. Initially, in-house migrations often feel like the easier choice, and the sticker shock can scare some away from bringing in outside help.
However, internal teams can become overwhelmed with competing priorities or need more technical expertise, causing the migration to drag on for years or, worse yet, never reach successful completion. With a closer look, you’ll find the upfront costs of a partner return significant savings from many angles over the life of the project.
Let’s see how partnering with a migration expert helps save time and money while achieving a successful migration.
Top Line Growth
Migrations to newer web application platforms are an experienced migration architect’s specialty. Their migration-specific expertise provides a blueprint for your application to work right, not only when the migration is complete but also along the way. By deploying a hybrid environment, they can ensure the application will be in a workable and releasable state throughout the migration. Compared to attempting a migration in-house, this is a significant advantage that allows your team to focus on the core business goals of developing new features and applications that grow your top and bottom line.
In-house Developer vs. Expert Migration Architect
When you already have developer talent in-house, why should you trust outside help? Because a migration architect’s skillset is unique to migrations, drastically differing from a developer’s proficiency in writing application code. The mammoth undertaking of ramping up your team’s knowledge for a successful platform migration is a legacy tech investment that won’t result in an ROI. You’ve burnt months or years of valuable time preparing for an undertaking having high odds of failure. Instead, by using an expert partner, you can have confidence in your approach while significantly increasing your success rate and starting your migration immediately.
A migration expert can complete the project with fewer costs and a shorter delivery time when compared to using in-house resources. Additionally, you’ll have confidence the correct route was taken, not requiring costly revisits to address something twice. You can get where you need to go faster and at a lower cost than in-house. Depending on your budget allocations, you can dynamically throttle up your project’s momentum with fully dedicated migration services or with consistently dedicated part-time work.
Stops the Bleeding
Stops the accumulation of technical debt by ceasing the creation of antiquated end-of-life code. Each incrementally migrated module is proven to work when complete, not just verified at the end of the migration. Further application development, like fixes and new features, can continue alongside the migration. Your team can quickly develop on a modern platform, improving your application performance and security while reducing implementation times for new features.
Head Count
No need to hire, train, or maintain migration-specific talent for the project, allowing you to avoid overhead costs and the time spent recruiting. Choosing to upskill internal talent for a migration comes with considerable risk. Many developers are unwilling to learn competencies on a deprecated platform or lack the spare time required. There are also chances of a fatal architecture error or newly trained developers transitioning away from the project part-way through. These obstacles could leave you upside down with a broken application or scrambling to hire replacements with a skill set that’s becoming obsolete.
Risk Management
You mitigate substantial risk by involving a proven web application migration expert early in the planning stages. Common errors avoided include confusing the easiest migration path as optimal for your future needs, choosing the incorrect migration tools, or not knowing when an app is better suited for a complete rewrite. Ultimately all these things could have severe negative consequences and huge costs associated.
The points above demonstrate a compelling business case of how teaming with a migration expert saves money and time. Whether you’re in the planning stages of a migration, stuck in a perpetual rut of deciding which platform to move to, or stalled halfway through, help is available. Keep your momentum moving forward and project on target without breaking the bank.
To learn more about the best path for your business, schedule a quick introductory chat with our team.